How Our League Works
- League play runs every Monday and Tuesday night from May to September.
- USA Volleyball rules are in effect with some exceptions (i.e., we will not be using the indoor net rules).
- All players must be OC members or applicants in good standing (i.e. membership is up-to-date). Substitutions are allowed, however players that have not paid OC membership fees must pay a guest fee of $5 and sign an insurance waiver for each night of play. All subs must be 18 years of age or older to play. Proof of age is required.
League Format
MondayCompetitive Co-ed 4's |
TuesdayCompetitive and Recreational 6's |
Important Dates for 2023
League Registration-Opens April 10
- Online registration will open April 10 and will remain open until each league is full
See our Volleyball Registration page for complete details.-
Participants must be active members or applicants of the OC Ski Club and over the age of 18. You may join as a new member or renew your membership via our online membership pages. However, the league fills up fast, so you are strongly encouraged to renew your membership ASAP.
Clean-up Day is
Saturday(s) April 29th and
Saturday May 13th @ 10 AM
- Every team must have at least 1 person present on one of the two days.
League Play Begins: May 15th & 16th @ 6 PM
Fall Volleyball Tournament is most likely Saturday, September 16, 2023 (Check back for confirmation)
- More details to follow, but save the date!
All league games are played at the Polish Community Center in Albany.
OC Volleyball League
Monday League
Tara Cummings
Tuesday League
To be Confirmed