Alpine Bus Pick-up locations

Alpine Bus Pick Up Locations

For alpine day bus trips

For your convenience, each day bus trip has one second pick-up location. Unless specifically noted on the bus sign up page

Please park your car in the areas specified below. Valuables should be hidden and locked away. The Out of Control Ski club is not responsible for loss or damage to your vehicle.

1st Pick-up Location (all destinations)

Crossgates Mall New Parking Lot

All buses depart  at 7 am from Crossgates Mall. Departing the Mountain at 4:30 pm

The google map link below is an exact “pin” location for the parking lot

It is right next to the Tru by Hilton hotel

Crossgates Bus pick up parking lot

2nd Pick-up Locations

Important information regarding 2nd pick-up locations:

  • Note that the second pick-up location will vary depending on the trip destination. Please refer to the Alpine Bus sign up page to find out what the second pick-up location will be for any given trip.
  • Also note that the departure times at the 2nd pick-up location will vary. Passengers catching the bus at the 2nd pick-up location should plan to be there at least 15 minutes before bus is expected to arrive. Buses will leave promptly.

Select a tab below for details about that pick-up location.


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