How to Sign Up

How to Sign Up

For Cross Country Day Bus Trips
What to know before you get started…
  • Bus fees must be paid in advance in order to reserve a seat.
  • You must have your membership card with you to sign up for a seat.
  • Quantities may be limited—sign up online early to ensure your seat!
Bus Fees
  • Members /Family: $12.00 (round trip)
  • Guests (18+ yrs.) of members $22.00 (round trip)

Payment must be made online, by cash, or check. Checks made out to OC Ski Club are accepted only at the meetings.

Sorry, there are NO REFUNDS. Transfers to another day bus trip may be made if you notify the appropriate bus committee via email at least 48 hours before the originally scheduled bus date.

How to Sign Up

You can sign up for day bus trips in advance online, at club meetings or on the return bus ride home on a ski day. Sorry, we cannot accept email sign-ups. Members are allowed to sign up other members (and their guests) with proof of membership.

It is strongly advised that you sign up in advance for day bus trips as buses do fill up. If the buses are full, you may request to be put on a wait list.

Online Sign-up

Online sign-ups typically will shut down at noon two (2) days before the ski day. In some cases, the deadline maybe extended by the cross country committee—but don’t count on it!

Meeting Sign-up

If the buses have not sold out online, members attending the club meetings may sign up in person at the day bus trip tables.

On the (return) Bus Sign-Up

You may also sign up in advance for upcoming bus trips on the return bus home. Once the bus has left the ski area, the bus leader will typically make an announcement regarding which day trip(s) are currently open and come through the bus to sign you up and collect your fee(s). You must have your membership card and bus fee (cash or OC Bucks only) in order to sign up.

What if the bus is full?

While we do our best to plan for and accommodate as many skiers as possible, quantities may be limited. Once the bus capacity for a given trip is full, you may request to be put on the wait list for that trip. You must pre-pay the standard bus fee(s) to reserve your spot(s) on the wait list. If a seat does not become available for that trip, we will refund or transfer your fee(s) to another bus trip.

What if I don’t sign up for the bus in advance?

You can always show up on ski day and hope for an empty seat or a no-show. However, you must go to the second stop. If seats are available, people on the wait list have first priority, then members, and lastly guests. If you are not able to secure a seat and still want to ski, you can pay the bus leader for the lift ticket, drive yourself to the ski area, and meet the bus there. You must pay the bus leader for the lift ticket(s) or trail pass(es) in advance in order to receive the group rate.

Guest Sign-ups

Guests are welcome on day bus trips. Members can pre-pay for their guests; however, seating depends on availability. Each bus committee has the right to limit the number of guest sign ups.

  • Guests must be at least 18 years of age and are required to sign the Guest Release form on the bus.
  • All guests must be accompanied on the bus by the member/applicant who signed them up.
  • Guests have the option of paying the $40 fee to become a Club member on the day of a bus ride. Those doing so will receive a refund for the $10 guest fee. Ask the bus leader for the application form.


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